The Joy of Sectors

Published in
2 min readJun 4, 2016


To build an accurate grader at RezScore, a dilemma quickly emerged. How does one compare dissimilar job functions? Are a plumber and banker equally able to achieve an A+? Or should RezScore declare certain industries more worthy than others?

We solved this problem by building industry classifiers. Clustering algorithms quickly revealed how to bucket RezScore users.

Percent of RezScore resumes clustered by top industry / function

When you receive your RezScore grade, you are being compared against other resumes within your industry. Data scientists face a different grading curve than truck drivers.

Incidentally, data scientists and truck drivers also tackle very different curves in their day-to-day work

Becoming Best of Class

One common problem among job seekers is they “don’t know what they want to do” with their life. They try to be all things to all people, and end up becoming nothing to anybody. Consider the following example resumes. The first came from an entry-level intern whose work experience was scattershot. The second came from a 20 year industry veteran.

Notice how the first resume is unfocused, while the second is very targeted. The second candidate has positioned herself strongly as a CFO for any available positions.

Unfortunately, no human being in our collective reality is looking to hire the first guy. The following conversation has never happened in any company, ever:

Boss: Nussbaum, profits are abysmal this quarter. Explain yourself!
Nussbaum: Well gee, boss, we really needed to hire a person that seeks to spread technology and innovation in the whole world, but we just couldn’t find anybody.
Boss: Commission one thousand recruiters and force them to work around the clock until we find this candidate.

Technical Considerations

We are often asked to publish the full list of classifiers. Since it is evolving very fast, we make it available through our API.

If you have any comments or questions about RezScore, please give us a shout!

